Call for a research consultant – Advocating for History in UK higher education

History UK is seeking to commission a research study on undergraduate History provision that will help support its mission as an independent body monitoring and promoting History in UK higher education. News of staff cuts and course closures at a Continue reading Call for a research consultant – Advocating for History in UK higher education

History UK fellowship – history skills passport mapping exercise

History UK is launching a new initiative to develop a history ‘skills passport’. This project will provide a framework for translating the skills that students develop on history courses into the skills language recognised by employers. The aim is to Continue reading History UK fellowship – history skills passport mapping exercise

Closure of History provision at Kingston University

History UK has learnt that on 21 April 2021 History staff at Kingston University were informed that the BA History and MA History degrees were now closed, and that the remaining three History staff would face compulsory redundancy. Since the Continue reading Closure of History provision at Kingston University

Pandemic Pedagogy: a student perspective 2

By Sophie Moennich (University of Roehampton) Now over a year since the first lockdown, many history students have adapted to the challenges of online learning. But levels of engagement with online learning has seen wide variation, especially as time has Continue reading Pandemic Pedagogy: a student perspective 2

Pandemic Pedagogy: A student perspective 1

By Conor Penna-FitzGerald (University of Roehampton) My name is Conor Penna-FitzGerald and I am a postgraduate history student at the University of Roehampton. My project analysed how students experienced online learning during the pandemic in comparison to the ‘normal’ classroom Continue reading Pandemic Pedagogy: A student perspective 1