News and Views

BOOKINGS NOW OPEN: Launch event for the refreshed Guide to collaboration between the archive and higher education sectors – 12th June 2018 at The National Archives, Kew

Over the past few months, HUK have been working with The National Archives to update the Guide to Collaboration between the Archive and Higher Education sectors that was first published in partnership with RLUK in 2015 and will know that a project is underway to refresh the guidance to reflect key developments in the academic landscape, notably, REF, TEF and Doctoral Training Partnerships.  The refresh has been undertaken in partnership with TNA and has been led by Paddy McNulty Associates.
We are delighted to invite you attend the launch event for the refreshed version which will take place on 12th June 2018 from 11am-4pm at The National Archives, Kew. There is no charge to attend and lunch and refreshments will be provided. Details of where to find us can be found here:
This one-day workshop will introduce the revised guidance highlighting key areas of change. It will also explore practical ways to identify, develop, and sustain cross-sector collaborations. It will include:
• Understanding the archive and higher education sectors – drivers, initiatives, support, and language
• Identifying organisational and project priorities

• The collaborative lifecycle

• Understanding outputs and outcomes – mutually beneficial and sector/organisational specific

• Measuring impact in cross-sector collaborations

• An outline of recent updates to REF, TEF and Research Councils
In addition to the above it will be a great opportunity for people from both sectors to meet and network.
For more details of the programme for the day and to book your place, please follow this link: 

Guide to Collaboration between Archive and HE Sectors – 12th June

Guide to Collaboration between the Archive and Higher Education Sectors – Refreshed Guidance Workshop – SAVE THE DATE : Tuesday 12th June 2018
Dear Colleagues,
The National Archives and History UK have commission Paddy McNulty and Mairead O’Rourke to refresh the 2015 Guide to Collaboration between Archive and Higher Education Sectors.  During Spring this year, we carried out desk research and a consultation with the archive and higher education sectors to inform the refreshed guidance.
We are now in the process of editing and refreshing the guide so that it is up to date with developments in both sectors.  The refreshed guidance will be ready in early June 2018, and to support it we are running a free one-day workshop on Tuesday 12th June at the National Archives, Kew.  This workshop will introduce the refreshed guidance, work through the case studies, highlight best practice, and provide participants with advice, guidance, and top tips for developing archive/higher education collaborations.  It will be of particular interest to those who wish to develop new or existing collaborations with higher education institutions.
We will post more details of the event soon, but in the meantime, we ask those who are interested in attending to save the date in their diaries.
We look forward to seeing you on the twelfth of June. 
Kind Regards
Paddy and Mairead

Academic Job Boot Camp – Saturday 19th May 2018

We are pleased to be running the Academic Job Boot Camp again this year. It follows the success of recent events. All early career historians are encouraged to apply, with preference being given to those who have already completed their PhDs.

  • Are you starting to think about applying for your first lectureship in history?
  • Submitting applications and never hearing back?

The Academic Job Boot Camp is a free half-day event for early career historians sponsored by History UK and supported by History Lab. It will help you to structure your academic CV, hone your cover letter, rehearse your job presentation and undergo a mock interview, as well as demystifying some of the processes around academic recruitment. The experience, feedback and advice you receive at the event is designed to improve your chances the next time you apply for an academic job.

How will the boot camp work? You will take part in a simulation of all stages of the job application process up to and including being interviewed as a shortlisted candidate. There you will be interviewed by experienced academics drawn from a dozen universities nationwide. You will also deliver job presentations to other early career historians.

You will receive feedback on your interview and presentation. You will have the opportunity to observe how others fare. The event will end with a roundtable, after which there will be drinks and a dinner(*) at a nearby pub and restaurant.

Itinerary (all locations at Institute of Historical Research):

13.00 Welcome (Wolfson II)

13:15-16:00 Mock Interviews (incl. feedback on interview and application, conducted by a pair of academics)

13:150-16:00 Job presentations (Lead by an experienced academic and in front of other early career historians who provide written feedback)

16:00-17:00 Dr. Sara Wolfson to lead a session on ‘Top Ten Tips for Securing an Academic Job’ (Wolfson I)

17.00-19.30 Networking event in a nearby pub and dinner(*)

This event is free and sponsored by History UK, History Lab Plus and the Institute of Historical Research.

* Please note that dinner will need to be covered by participants.

To participate, you will need to apply for an imaginary lectureship in a real history programme. Please read the job advert for the Imaginary Lectureship in History here and the further particulars for the job, then submit a letter of application and CV to Sue Davison at

Questions should be directed to Lucinda Matthews-Jones

The deadline is noon on Tuesday 1st May and applicants will be contacted by the end of that week to let them know if they have been successful.

Transitioning in History from School to University

HUK will be running a one-day workshop for school and university teachers at Leeds Beckett University on Friday 11th May 2018.

The event is designed to support an exchange of information between history teachers in schools and universities in order to enhance understanding about issues in transition between these two educational phases.

For more information and to sign up, follow this link.


HUK statement on current industrial action

Statement from the HUK executive in relation to the current strike action:

History UK is an independent national body promoting and monitoring History in UK Higher Education. We originated in the 1980s when two parallel organisations developed: the History at the Universities Defence Group (HUDG) (for universities) and the Campaign for Public Sector History (PUSH) (for polytechnics, colleges and institutes of higher education) were formed to defend the history profession against proposed cuts. The groups merged and became History UK in 2005. In this spirit we would like to state our support for academics involved in the current industrial action. Whilst we cannot directly take sides in the current strike action, we understand this is an issue of utmost importance to our members and to the future of Higher Education.

History UK believes universities should try to maintain the conditions of employment under which academics were originally employed. That includes pensions. Academics often face significant insecurity as the beginning of their professional life, many academics forgo better salaries and conditions outside academia because of their commitment to teaching and research, postgraduate and early career academics are now facing a sector which is increasingly characterised by precarity. The undermining of the USS pensions significantly adds to this insecurity. We hope that the dispute will be speedily resolved and we are encouraged to see that ACAS have started conciliation talks between UCU and the Universities UK group.